Pixel Resurrection
It was late-night shopping Thursday finally, that certain forces and various interconnecting lines of illogical reasoning began to bond together in the mind, joining forces to eventually overcome the few weakening oppositional arguments that had prevented me from purchasing a new Nintendo DS ever since the Australian release not too long ago.
That unmistakable pleasure you get from opening something newly bought, upon further inspection, turned to the irksome realisation that something wasn’t right. The Metroid Prime: Hunters demo fired up and immediately amongst the blackness of the starting screens, I noticed two tiny dots, one bright red in the middle of the upper screen, one bright blue at the top of lower screen — the dreaded “dead pixels” that can sometimes plague TFT screens on the very rarest of cases — one in a million or something. It seems I was lucky enough to have one of these annoying little dots on each screen. What are the chances?
The next morning before band practice, I took the system back to Big W and although I had to wait around for about fifteen minutes while they looked for another one out back, I was thankful that I was able to do a simple exchange and didn’t have to send it away to Nintendo or anything like that.
So now that all ninety-eight thousand, three hundred and four pixels of my new toy are in good working order, I’m very pleased with it. Finished the Metroiddemo and am now playing Advance Wars, which I borrowed from Jerry — after returning the dvds I had from before.